If you do not know how it feels to feel this way, then you have no place to judge anyone who does.
People do not take their lives for selfish reasons, people take their lives because they are in severe emotional pain and aren’t able to see any other way out. When hope is lost it is difficult to see anything good in life at all. Often it is not planned and comes without warning.
Not all suicides will be sudden, so here are some signs to watch out for:
- Drastic change in appetite
- Drastic change in sleep patterns
- Drastic change in weight
- Fatigue or lethargy
- Drastic change in physical appearance
- Lack of interest in appearance
- Poor health
- Persistent depressed mood
- Unstable emotions
- Easily agitated and frustrated
- Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness
- Difficulties in concentration and decision-making
- Anxiety
- Unrealistic expectation of self
- Social withdrawal
- Drastic change in attitude/personality
- Giving away prized possessions
- Self-harm behaviours
- Noticeable increase in compulsive behaviours
- Unexplained crying
- Substance abuse
- Direct or indirect suicide threats
Never be afraid to ask someone if you suspect they may be having suicidal thoughts.
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